Laws and Jurisprudence /

Estimation of study time: 3 minute

Has it ever happened for the prophet or imams to get married to a woman, and then divorce her?

This issue can be looked at and analyzed from different perspectives, but in short, what can be said about it is as following:Firstly: Although marriage has been encouraged in Islamic sources, and divorce has been looked as the most hated halal act in Allah's (swt) eyes, but in cases where there is no other choice, it can be practiced, and if not, will lead to one’s life being an all out hell.Secondly: There have been people throughout history who have tried to make the history of the prophet’s life unclear and ambiguous, so that it doesn’t reach us; they have been successful to some extent and that is why we see ahadith in certain fields being indefinite and sometimes asserting different things about one matter; one of those fields being his relationship with his spouses. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that we can't learn of the truth on these matters,‌ on the contrary, by precise and scholarly study of the Quran and ahadith, we can grasp the truth. It is on this basis that we say: the Quran has permitted divorce for everyone generally, and has also directly said that the prophet also enjoys this right and if he ever exercises that right, he hasn’t committed anything against Islamic law. This was the Islamic ruling on the issue, but the question here is whether the prophet ever actually exercised this right of his or not? By referring to hadith and history sources on the lives of the infallibles, we find that there is such a great difference of opinion amongst historians that one can never say that such a thing ever happened with certitude. The only thing that we might be able to say has happened in his life is that he contracted marriage with a woman, and before its consummation, she said to him: “I seek refuge in Allah from you”, and he divorced her; the reason remaining unknown to us though. It might have been because of one of the prophet’s characteristics. For further information on the reasons for this, you can take a look at the detailed answer.As for the imams, Imam Hasan (as) has been accused of practicing divorce a lot; we have answered this in great detail in Question 1559 (website: 1576). As for the rest of the imams, there are some hadith that point to the fact that there have been cases of divorce in their lives. But at the same time, these hadiths aren't reliable, because they suffer from both authenticity issues (their chains of narrators aren't authentic), and content-related issues. .

اسلام کوئست


Created in 1400/12/21

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